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Adoption Discount


The cafe garden operated by the Dangjin branch has a garden-like atmosphere and offers a variety of desserts

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​Free Americano provided

As long as you provide a contract with one of the 77 branches across the country, you can enjoy a free cup of Americano coffee.

<Sat. and Sun. are avaliable>

Number: 010-3068-4100


앵커 1
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Venue rental

We provide venue rental services for group events

such as seminars and parties.

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  • 화이트 블로거 아이콘
  • 유튜브 - 흰색 원
  • Instagram - White Circle

고객센터 : 070-4221-0091ㅣ070-4235-6905

사업자번호 : 865-87-02008

위탁관리 등록번호 : 3010000-037-2019-0007

지부 :동물보육원 서울시 중구 동호로7길45,3층302호 CEO:이태호

본사 : 애니멀코퍼레이션ㅣ주소:광주광역시 동구 준법로12ㅣCEO : 이태호


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